"But today, of all days, it is brought home to me, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life..."

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Last First Semester

My first semester of college is in the books.

If I could sum up my feelings in one word, it would be "thankful."

When I think back to a year ago--the doubt, the turmoil, the uncertainty--just thinking of where I was a year ago and where I am now...His grace overwhelms me.

I left for home the day after my last final, and so I had an evening to pack and to reflect. I crept up to the small chapel on the 3rd floor of my dorm, and I thought back on the semester. My heart swelled with thankfulness. I've had so many wonderful times, met so many wonderful people. I came to college in August so unsure; unsure of many, many things. I'm still not certain about exactly what the next seven semesters will be like, but so many of my doubts have gone away. And I am truly, truly thankful for God's grace in that.

I could get into particulars and tell you the highlights, but it wasn't that that made it wonderful.
It was the every day things. The smiles, the laughter, the conversations with random people on the front porch of Memorial. Little things that I hardly even noticed that piled up and filled my soul.


-It's been swell.