"But today, of all days, it is brought home to me, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life..."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall is my favorite season...at this time of year.

Hey there. 
I know. It's been a while. But what can I say, that just happens sometimes. 
So, it's October. 

Me too, Anne. Me too. 

The weather is getting cooler, and I love it. The season of fall is always my favorite at this time of year. (I can never decide on a favorite season. It's usually the current one, and obviously, that changes every few months. Right now, as you may guess, Fall is my favorite.)

It's been a crazy busy semester. School takes up most of my time. But honestly, that's okay. I love learning. I forget it sometimes, but I really do love it. I feel so blessed to have the access to the courses I'm taking this year. The internet is really an amazing thing, isn't it?

Though school keeps me pretty busy, I'm finding time to do the little, most excellent things like reading the Word in the early crisp mornings before the sun wakes up, and the sky is that mystical grey as the stars slowly fade away, and the world gently comes to life. And reveling in the joy of the reappearance of pumpkins, hay bales, scarecrows, the fall scented candles, scarves, the pilgrims on "Memaw's hutch," and all the lovely orangy-red and yellow things decorating the house. 
We haven't built a fire yet; it hasn't been that cold. But I can't wait until we do. I'm eager for evenings spent cuddled on the couch with a steaming mug of apple cider and a good book, sheltered from the cold outside--maybe shivering as somebody opens the door and lets a rush of cool air in, just enough to remind me how warm I am and make me feel all the more cozy-- and watching the fire dance in that peculiar, unexpected way. 

Isn't it just delightful how the seasons have a way of being so repetitious, yet so wonderfully unpredictable as you wonder what this fall will be like. It's a déjá vu sort of feeling--I've been here before, but not quite in this way; it's old, but it's new. 
Fall is here again, but we've never lived through this fall. And that's an exciting, somewhat frightful feeling. 

Go carve a pumpkin or something, 

1 comment:

  1. I love fall too. Winter has pretty much replaced it here, but there are still enough leaves on the ground for me to run through and crunch and kick up. And in certain spots they are still on the trees, gold and brown and pretty to look at. But now I really want a fire and a good book. There are few things better than that.
