"But today, of all days, it is brought home to me, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life..."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Just Think of It!

    Think of all the gazillions of people that have lived in the course of history. ALL those people that have ever breathed. And all the major events that have taken place: all the wars, the different empires...all that stuff you read about in your history books. Then look at yourself with this perspective. See how small you are? Our problems seem pretty big sometimes, but just think about your life compared to the rest of the world since the beginning of time. You are teeny tiny. They didn't know about you 500 years ago and they probably won't know about you 500 years from now.

     BUT, the God of all creation, the one who's been looking over this world since it was created, through all those wars and whatnot, keeping track of allll the people who have ever lived. Well, He, out of His infinite love and mercy, sent his son to die so that you--your teeny tiny self--could be saved and one day live with Him. 

     Isn't that incredible?

1 comment:

  1. It is an amazing thought, isn't it? That He should love us enough to do that. It is staggering!
