"But today, of all days, it is brought home to me, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life..."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Time's a comin'

Well now that Thanksgiving is over we can officially move on to more Christmasy things. Wait, what? Christmas already? Good gracious time really does fly. 

Here's some of the Christmasy things we've been doing around here the last few days:
Building fires (Nope it's not really cold enough for a fire, but who cares?) 
Decorating the Christmas tree
Hanging the stockings 
Drinking hot chocolate and cider 
and of course.....
Listening to Christmas music. 

Some of my favorites:
Michael Buble's Christmas album. 
Carol of the Bells/ Sing We Now of Christmas by Barlowgirl. it's uhhmazing. 
Little Drummer Boy by Josh Groban. mmmhhhmmm. 

What are your favorite Christmas artists/albums/songs? Because I need suggestions.

And now, becuase I'm pretty much addicted to Pinterest, I'll post some wintry photos. 
Dreamworld / majestic snow!
The country.
Pinned Image
The City. 

Give me a choice between the country and the city and 9 out of 10 I'd pick country. But there's just something delightfully wonderful about the city at christmastime. Or at least my idea of it. Window shopping, people, carolers on the corner, buying gifts, stopping for a cup of cider. 
But then again, an old country cabin, with quilts that great great grandmothers knitted long ago, and lots of pies and cookies. Where a fire never seemed quite so delightful....
I just can't decide which I like better. What about you? Which would you rather? (Vote on the left side of the page!)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Enjoying your break? Well in case you get bored and have nothing to do....

That's my lovely friend Mikayla. And she's got a blog worth checking out:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What About Thanksgiving?

Sometimes I feel like Thanksgiving is an endangered holiday. It's halloween and people go all out. They hang spiderwebs from the trees, put skeletons on the front porch. Kids get dressed up.... And that's all fun and everything, But what happens after Halloween? Well, in Walmart and my neighborhood, up go the Christmas decorations. But wait, aren't we skipping something here. Isn't there like some holiday in between those two? Oh, yeah, Thanksgiving. That's it.  A whole day is set apart to eat and thank God, and our culture just completely skips over it? Something's got to be wrong with that.  I mean, I love eating--like, a lot. But last time I checked there was plenty I could thank God for too. And I think a specific day set apart to do just that is a pretty good idea. 
     I went to Starbucks the other day and when the guy handed me my drink he said "Merry Christmas!" (At least it wasn't "happy holidays") But I can't remember the last time someone told me "Happy Thanksgiving" and I think that's just kinda wrong. 
     Maybe it's just that the year goes by fast enough without getting into Christmas-time too early. But I think Thanksgiving should be a bigger deal than it is. Don't you?

Well, I guess I'm done with all my complaining. Go enjoy your Thanksgiving, and don't rush Christmas! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Once upon a time, I took a trip to Tennessee. And saw some of the most amazing people ever. We explored old houses, went on walks, rode in tractors, hid from cars, looked through old books, played dress-up... and had an outrageously grand time.

Allyn, Julia, Mikayla, Me, Hannah

Hannah, Mikayla
Hannah, Julia, Mikayla, me
Allyn, me
Julia, Hannah

Aren't they just amazing? I love them to death.