"But today, of all days, it is brought home to me, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life..."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Time's a comin'

Well now that Thanksgiving is over we can officially move on to more Christmasy things. Wait, what? Christmas already? Good gracious time really does fly. 

Here's some of the Christmasy things we've been doing around here the last few days:
Building fires (Nope it's not really cold enough for a fire, but who cares?) 
Decorating the Christmas tree
Hanging the stockings 
Drinking hot chocolate and cider 
and of course.....
Listening to Christmas music. 

Some of my favorites:
Michael Buble's Christmas album. 
Carol of the Bells/ Sing We Now of Christmas by Barlowgirl. it's uhhmazing. 
Little Drummer Boy by Josh Groban. mmmhhhmmm. 

What are your favorite Christmas artists/albums/songs? Because I need suggestions.

And now, becuase I'm pretty much addicted to Pinterest, I'll post some wintry photos. 
Dreamworld / majestic snow!
The country.
Pinned Image
The City. 

Give me a choice between the country and the city and 9 out of 10 I'd pick country. But there's just something delightfully wonderful about the city at christmastime. Or at least my idea of it. Window shopping, people, carolers on the corner, buying gifts, stopping for a cup of cider. 
But then again, an old country cabin, with quilts that great great grandmothers knitted long ago, and lots of pies and cookies. Where a fire never seemed quite so delightful....
I just can't decide which I like better. What about you? Which would you rather? (Vote on the left side of the page!)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Enjoying your break? Well in case you get bored and have nothing to do....

That's my lovely friend Mikayla. And she's got a blog worth checking out:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What About Thanksgiving?

Sometimes I feel like Thanksgiving is an endangered holiday. It's halloween and people go all out. They hang spiderwebs from the trees, put skeletons on the front porch. Kids get dressed up.... And that's all fun and everything, But what happens after Halloween? Well, in Walmart and my neighborhood, up go the Christmas decorations. But wait, aren't we skipping something here. Isn't there like some holiday in between those two? Oh, yeah, Thanksgiving. That's it.  A whole day is set apart to eat and thank God, and our culture just completely skips over it? Something's got to be wrong with that.  I mean, I love eating--like, a lot. But last time I checked there was plenty I could thank God for too. And I think a specific day set apart to do just that is a pretty good idea. 
     I went to Starbucks the other day and when the guy handed me my drink he said "Merry Christmas!" (At least it wasn't "happy holidays") But I can't remember the last time someone told me "Happy Thanksgiving" and I think that's just kinda wrong. 
     Maybe it's just that the year goes by fast enough without getting into Christmas-time too early. But I think Thanksgiving should be a bigger deal than it is. Don't you?

Well, I guess I'm done with all my complaining. Go enjoy your Thanksgiving, and don't rush Christmas! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Once upon a time, I took a trip to Tennessee. And saw some of the most amazing people ever. We explored old houses, went on walks, rode in tractors, hid from cars, looked through old books, played dress-up... and had an outrageously grand time.

Allyn, Julia, Mikayla, Me, Hannah

Hannah, Mikayla
Hannah, Julia, Mikayla, me
Allyn, me
Julia, Hannah

Aren't they just amazing? I love them to death. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

California Trip Post #2

(If you haven't already you might want to read the California Trip Post #1. 

We drove back to San Francisco. 
On Sunday we went to Muir woods. If there is a place in this world where elves and fairies live, I'm pretty sure it's in these woods. They named it after the guy who discovered it (or something like that, I wasn't really paying attention the tour guide...) but I think it's a pretty awful name for a such an enchanting place like that. I didn't really take any pictures of it because I knew that a photograph couldn't do it justice. But here is a picture of me in one of the trees. 
Yes, it's huge. But I wasn't really that captivated by the massive trees. There was just something mysteriously enchanting about the place. Anyway, I'll move on. I could talk about it all day and you'd probably still not understand. So you'll just have to go there someday for yourself. 

The rest of the trip can be summed up by mostly pictures. 
One of the Cable Cars you hear so much about.
Notice it's number 16, and this trip was for my 16 birthday.  Kinda cool. :-) 
The Golden Gate Bridge. It's not really golden, and I was pretty disappointed about that. 

All the windows in this building were filled with really old sewing machines. Awesome right?

And that concludes it. I had a wonderful time, but have decided that the city is not for me. It's fun for a little while, but in the end "there's no place like home." Yes, that phrase is totally cliche, but it's true. 

More blog post soon! I've got some pretty fun stuff to talk about. Like an amazing trip to Tennessee and a really awesome birthday present.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

California Trip #1

I'm finally getting around to telling you about my trip. Yeah, yeah, I know... took me long enough, huh? But better late than never, right?

Day 1: 
We flew in to San Francisco, and drove as far as we could in the direction of Yosemite National park before night came upon us.

Day 2:
We woke up and drove the rest of the way to Yosemite. The drive was delightful. We passed orchards and vineyards and lovely countryside. After a while the road started ascending and getting pretty windy, and the scenery even more interesting. I was on the edge of my seat anxious to see what was around the next corner. Once we came around a curve and we saw this:
It was a beautiful lake with blue mountains behind it. I've never completely understood why mountains are sometimes described as "blue", but I do now. 

And then we finally came to Yosemite:
 It was amazing, beautiful, exquisite, breathtaking... 

One thing that I found rather interesting was this:
An enormous rock. It's called El Captitan. It's 3,000 feet high, and a favorite challenge for experienced climbers. It would take one of these experienced climbers about 5 to 7 days to climb it. 

Do you see that little white spot to the right of the shadow? Well, that's a person climbing. 

Sometimes, I'd look around me, listening to a tour guide tell me that it all just appeared by chance, and wonder who could actually think that. All that majestic beauty, mountains that made me feel smaller than the tiniest ant, even the little things like how beautiful the sound of water racing over rocks can sound. And this all just happened? I don't think so. 

That's all for now, folks. 
Coming soon: Sarah in the City. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

It's coming, I promise.

Well, you've probably figured out I haven't posted about my trip yet. It's because I left my camera charger at a hotel in San Francisco. :( I did call the hotel and they told me they would send it to me, but I haven't gotten it yet. I will call them today and see what's up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Going to San Fran!

This blogger's about to turn 16 in a little over a week. And dad has a business trip in San Francisco next week that I get to go along on! 

I'll take pictures and blog all about it when I get back. 

So stay tuned! :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Is That Fall that I Feel?

Did you feel it today? I don't know what the weather was like wherever you were, but here in Midland, TX it was pretty fantastic. What I felt as I sat on my rooftop writing in my journal today was the breath of fall rustling the leaves all about me. It felt so good. I really can't tell you how much I love it when the seasons change, but I'm going to try anyway. :) That time when Summer still lingers with bright sunny days, but Fall starts to slowly take over bringing cool breezes and lower temperatures every now and then. I start thinking of all the cute fall outfits I will wear, and do the flip flop where I put my summer clothes at the back of my closet and the warmer ones in front. And smelling the "Pumpkin Spice" and "Cinnamon" scented candles in every store I walk into.

But I know Texas. She likes to play tricks on you by sending days like we had today at the beginning of September to get your hopes up. Then just when you start to think about all those delightful fallish things, she brings back the 100 degree weather. But I have fallen for that trick before, lots before. I will  relish those cooler days by spending every possible moment outside like I did today, but I will remember that Summer isn't over yet and hot weather will come back--but not for long.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

More Books!

My book collection is expanding more rapidly than I thought. 

Today, mom cleaned out the bookshelves, and she let me have all the books I wanted out of the "don't want pile" and I even persuaded her to let me have some out of the "do want pile". 

So there they are! 17 new additions!

I just love books. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Collection of Classic Books.

Books are lovely things. Most of the time I think them most lovely on the inside, but some are almost as lovely on the outside as well. 

Now, I am not one to buy a book based on it's cover. But if I want a book, and it happens to have a nice cover then why not get it instead of one with a not so cool cover? 
     So today I decided that I am going to start a collection of classic books with pretty covers. Here is my first book for the collection:
Pride and Prejudice (Barnes and Noble Leatherbound Classics Series)

Hopefully one day I will have a library with a big comfy recliner in front of a cozy fireplace, and with a window seat (I have always wanted a window seat) and shelves lining all four walls from the floor to the ceiling. And all those shelves will be filled with beautiful books. 

Here are some others that I want to add to the collection sometime.

I have not read this, but it is such a famous book that I feel I must read it. And of course it would look great in that library I will have one day. 

I just recently read my first Jane Austen book. I just recently discovered what I have been missing my whole life. My future library must have lots of Jane Austen books. 

Okay, confession. I don't really want to read this one. I mean it isn't on my book list at the moment, but I have this thing with watches, and a thing with black and white, and this would look great in my library. But, if I did buy it I would read it. But I want this one more for the looks than the content. 

So I am all ready to start on my classic book collection. Except for one small thing thing: money. But as I slowly earn money, I will slowly add to my library, and I will blog about each new addition. 

Bye for now, friends. I've got a Jane Austen book to look at-- uhh, I mean read. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Harmony Hill

A few weeks ago I did what I do every year at that time. I began printing off "what to bring" lists and daily schedules from the internet, trying on skirts to see if they cover my knees, and finally started packing for Harmony Hill. 


Harmony Hill is always one of the highlights of my year. You get hot, tired, sweaty, stinky, and even sometimes loose your voice, but it's all worth it. 

A year seems like a mighty long time right now. 

(Photo credits to Chelsea Miller and Allyn Sweeney.) 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Has Begun

These last two weekends have been so much fun. 

We went to the lake for Memorial Day weekend, and I think it was the perfect way to start the summer off. Two of the nights that we were there I slept outside. It was wonderful gazing up at the dark sky, looking at the twinkling stars and occasinally seeing one shoot across the sky. 
It was too windy that weekend to take the boat out much, but we did go tubing once and it made me so anxious for summer and more tube rides. 

Then I came home for a few days. I mostly unpacked, cleaned, and packed again while I was here and then it was off to the lake once more. This time the wind was much calmer and we took the boat out a few times. We got on the water Saturday evening, and I had the last turn. It was sunset when I put my skis on, and I have decided that water skiing during a gorgeous sunset is one of my favorite experiences. Sunday morning the lake was smooth as glass. We decided that we could each get a short turn in and then get ready for church. The water was cold, but so worth it. Skiing on water that smooth is another wonderful experience. 
That afternoon, after church, we headed over to the Renfro's ranch. We had mud fights, and made drizzle castles. Then we watched the Mavs game, and after that we played Encore. It was a grand evening. :-) 

Now I am back home doing what I do here: unpacking, cleaning, and packing. Only this time I am packing, not for the lake, but for Harmony Hill. I'm not really sure how to explain my excitement about this camp. But if you have been you probably understand. :-) 

I guess that's about it for now. I hope your summer is going great! 

YAY for summer! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Road Trip:)

Well it's been months since we actually took this trip, but better late than never!

So last fall, mom, Kate, and I decided to take a road trip. The ending destination was Franklin, TN to go to a christian film conference. But how
we were going to get there and when (as long as it was in time for the conference) was completely up in the air.

We started from Baylor because we were there visiting Davis and the first stop worth noting was in Arkansas to see Casie and Jordan Neal. Very fun people and if you ever have the chance to meet them you should. Our stay therewasn't as longas I would have liked, but I'm not really sure any stay with them is long enough not matter how long it is.

Next we were in some town (we passed through a lot of towns so I will probably not be able to tell you the names of them.) we picked up some chicken went to some tourist place it was kind of like a state park but I don't think it was. Anyway...we ate our chicken outside and then we hiked up a mountain.
And mom and I had a hard time keeping up with Kate.

And at the top it was so beautiful!

And Next stop was Silver Dollar City. Lots of fun and I have tons of pics but I think this one is my favorite:
Mom told Kate to get in front of the pumpkins so she could take her picture. So went over there and did this pose. Completely unashamed or embarrassed even with all the people walking by. :-)

And then we saw an amazing sunset on our way to whatever town was next.
This picture doesn't even do it justice. The sunset in real life was much more spectacular. I shall remember it for the rest of my life.

Then we went to some reenactment farm in the Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky. Yes! I remembered where it was, but how can you forget a name like TheLand Between the Lakes? Isn't it perfect! I think Anne Shirley herself would approve! :-)
And while there we went over to see a mule. A very mean mule. And I didn't like it at all.
It was trying to kick down those little poles, those scrawny little things that were the only thing between it and me, and for a moment it really looked like he was going to. And if he did I was pretty sure he was going to trample me or bite my ear. But thankfully he did not get out and my ear is safe and sound.

And finally. We ended up in Tennessee. Franklin Tennessee which is the most charming town I have ever been in. And we went to the film festival. And... and and AND.............. (drumroll).........

Yes I got to meet him. George Grant. I got to take a picture with "the big guy with the bow-tie"................ only.... he wasn't wearing a bow tie. And it almost ruined the whole experience. Almost though, I still had fun:-)

And on the way back,
we didn't really do anything fun but watch movies for two hours while we were stuck in traffic in Arlington. If you ever plan on taking a road trip, just remember not to go through Arlington when the World Series is there... not a good idea.